
City Attorney’s Office

City of Lawrence



David L. Corliss, City Manager


Toni R. Wheeler, City Attorney



Diane Stoddard, Cynthia Wagner, Assistant City Managers

Britt Crum-Cano, Economic Development Coordinator



March 19, 2013


Extension of Purchase and Sale Agreement with North Mass Redevelopment


In October 2008, the City Commission authorized the City to enter into an agreement with North Mass Redevelopment, L.L.C..  Under the agreement the City agreed to the sale of excess property the City owns north of the Kansas River adjacent to the Kansas River levee, provided certain conditions are met.  The agreement provided the developer a due diligence period of five (5) years to close on the property.  That period is set to expire in October 2013.  The developer would like to extend the period to allow him time to complete due diligence and to market the property.  Please see the attached correspondence from Thomas Johnson, attorney for the developer, along with a proposed agreement


Action Requested: Authorize the City Manager to execute the First Amendment to Purchase and Sale of Real Estate Between the City of Lawrence, Kansas and the North Mass Redevelopment, L.L.C.