Week ending August 7, 2009



Solid Waste employees offer exceptional customer service

The Solid Waste Division has recently been busy cleaning up during the annual August move out week (see attached photos of various locations in the Oread neighborhood) and giving impromptu educational tours to kids they encounter during their work (see attached photos).


BNSF Depot Update

Staff continues work related to the BNSF depot acquisition. In June, a BNSF representative was in town to gather information for the donation committee’s consideration of the donation request. Additionally, the City Commission authorized distribution of a Request for Qualifications for architectural services anticipating a Transportation Enhancement (TE) Grant application, and perhaps other grant applications in the near future. Proposals were due July 31 and there were 15 proposals received by interested firms. A committee consisting of Carey Maynard-Moody (Depot Redux), Diane Stoddard, Lynne Braddock Zollner, and Steve Bennett will review the proposals, interview firms and make a recommendation to the City Commission later in August. Once a firm is on board, staff envisions the creation of a small steering committee to guide the project.  Additionally, staff anticipates attending a TE Grant Workshop sponsored by the Kansas Department of Transportation in September.


July sales tax distribution

The City of Lawrence has recently received its July sales tax distribution. The distribution is the result of retail sales from mid-May to mid-June. As a result, most of the reported sales tax was at the higher rate approved by the voters. The distribution of $2,721,468 and represents a significant increase from the prior year distribution for the same month because of the higher rate. It also includes $2,052 from the Free State Transportation Development District. Because of variations in monthly distributions, primarily due to late filings by vendors, it is advisable to not read too much into disparities between months. The July 2009 1% city sales/use tax distribution was 4.7% more than the July 2008 distribution. Please see the attached memo and spreadsheet for more information.


Webpage created for historical information on sales taxes

A webpage ( has been created to house historical information on city sales taxes, including those passed in both 2008 and 1994.


PDS staff certifies as lead based paint inspector and hazard risk assessor

Jessica Roberts, Projects Specialist in Planning and Development Services, recently completed Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Inspector and Lead Hazard Risk Assessor Training and passed the subsequent exam for each course.  She joins Tony Hoch, Projects Specialist, as a certified Lead-Based Paint Inspector and Lead Hazard Risk Assessor.  Due to the number of older dwelling units that may contain lead hazards (not limited to paint), this expertise is vital in the administration of the city’s Comprehensive Housing Rehabilitation Program.