

To:     David Corliss

From: Bob Brower, Line Maintenance Field Operations Manager

Date: 06/19/08

Re:     Utilities Field Operations Performance Measures


The Line Maintenance Divisions (collections and distribution) have seen significant results from the use of performance measures. A noteworthy benefit has been the ability to share employees between the two divisions to help accomplish individual goals.


The Utilities Department implemented performance measurement in 2006. The Utilities Field Operations Division (Line Maintenance and Water Distribution) use their performance measures regularly to optimize operations. The Field Operations Divisions use the performance information in priority setting and strategic program management to accomplish the following:

·         Evaluate system capacity, needs, and problems

·         Establish targets and expectations

·         Assign resources appropriately

·         Improve quality of services

·         Identify and replicate best practices

·         Increase staff accountability

·         Document accomplishments


The benefits of performance measurement as observed by the Field Operations Division include:

·         Increased productivity and accuracy - employees know they are being measured which results in improvement

·         Lower turnover – staff problems are identified quickly and resolved before they escalate

·         Better labor planning & scheduling: planning hours for work content resulted in fewer occurrences of overtime while still meeting customer needs

·         Decreased cycle time: work is completed in a shorter time while using the same or less resources

·         Improved customer service – decreased sanitary sewer overflows and back-ups

·         Improved communication – staff have a clear understanding of expectations.


The Utility Department performance measurement program concentrates on three types of performance measures:

1.      Output performance measures: represent the department’s workload or the amount of service or production, not the consequences of performing the workload.

2.      Efficiency performance measures: represent the ratio of service unit output to resource input; usually cost per unit of service, or unit of service per source (FTE’s or dollars expended).

3.      Outcome performance measures: represent the consequences or effects of specific actions or initiatives focused primarily on improving the citizen’s condition.



Utility Field Operations –  Partnering of Line Maintenance and Distribution Divisions


Historically, Line Maintenance (collections) and Water Distribution have operated separately due to the organization of the Department. Following the Department reorganization, the two divisions have increasingly teamed up to support and assist each other with workloads.


Each division has individual performance measures and targets that are reviewed with the staff and posted on bulletin boards. At each division’s monthly staff meeting, performance measures and targets are reviewed with staff. Staff submits daily work orders as well as daily work reports, using an asset management database. Supervisors/managers use the data to track daily output.  Managers report performance toward monthly performance measures and compile the data into an annual report.


The Field Operations Managers meet with the Systems Manager weekly to review performance measures, targets, workloads, and output to plan for the upcoming week. Through this process, output data is reviewed. When monthly performance measures have been met, staff may be moved between the divisions to assist with meeting the performance measures/targets of the other division. Examples include:

·         Line Maintenance staff assistance in changing out water meters and hydrant flow testing

·         Water Distribution staff assisting with sewer repairs

(Photos below illustrate the examples of shared work loads.)


The performance measure process helps to achieve overall improvement in the water and wastewater field operations. The Utilities Department continues to look for means to improve its performance and maximize the usability of the performance measure system.

Wastewater Line Maintenance staff changing out water meters.















Water Distribution Staff repairing sanitary sewer main.

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