Draft K-10/Farmer’s Turnpike Outline


I.       Introduction

a.      Background and purpose

A description of how we got to the point of writing the draft of the plan and what the plan is to accomplish. (could also include goals) 

b.     Description of planning area

The location of the planning area, area boundaries, and generally what currently exists.

c.      Policy framework

A list of the current plans and their policies which support the plan.


II.    Existing Conditions

a.      Existing land uses

Current land uses based on the County Assessor’s Office information.

b.     Existing zoning

City and county zonings.

c.      Existing infrastructure

Existing water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and transportation facilities.

d.     Environmental conditions

Drainage, floodplain, steep slopes, environmental sensitive lands, soil types, environmental features.

e.      Public services/facilities

School districts, schools, fire/medical, police, parks and recreation areas.


III.   Recommendations

a.      Land Use

     Future land use map and map designation descriptions.

b.     Policies

c.      Implementation